Is Fly Spray Harmful to Dogs?
When the weather starts to warm up, many pet owners notice that flies become more prevalent in their yard or neighborhood. While some people feel it is disgusting to swat at these bugs with your hands, others may find it equally gross to let the pests stay on their beloved pets.
The use of a traditional fly spray on dogs is not recommended for several reasons. Insecticide sprays can be dangerous to pets if ingested or inhaled. Many insecticides used in the sprays are also known as neurotoxins and have a serious effect on a dog’s health once it has been sprayed.
There are other ways for a pet owner to get rid of flies besides using these toxic fly sprays that may potentially hurt your pet or even you or your family members.
What Is Fly Spray
Traditional fly spray contains insecticides that irritate the insects and cause them to either die or fly away. The sprays are available in several forms, including aerosols, pump-up garden sprayers, hose-end sprayers, and bait stations.
Traditional chemical fly sprays are made with multiple ingredients that include pyrethrins or permethrin. These are neurotoxins that affect the bug’s nervous system, which causes them to die or fly away. However, there is also the risk of this toxin affecting your beloved pets if they inhale it or ingest it through licking themselves.
Alternatives To Using Chemical Fly Sprays On Dogs
Using a chemical and potentially harmful fly spray is not recommended because of the neurotoxins involved which can be harmful to your pet. Instead of using one of these fly sprays on your dog for pest control, try these other options:
Natural Fly Sprays
Our natural fly spray from Stop Buggn’ uses all natural oils that flies and other flying insects hate. There are no toxic chemicals used, which means there is no longer a risk of putting potentially harmful ingredients and chemicals on our pets and animals. Stop Buggn’ was the first organic, non-chemical fly spray for dogs, cats, and other household pets. It’s our first defense in keeping pesky flies off our dogs and cats.
Fly Traps
There are various types of fly traps available at local hardware stores that will catch pesky flies by using ultraviolet beams to attract them. Once inside, they will be stuck in a thick gluey substance unable to escape and eventually die.
Bug Zappers
These devices are plugged into an outlet outside and emit electricity that attracts bugs like mosquitoes, which then get electrocuted when they enter. Unfortunately, this type of device is not safe for pets either and should never be put in the same area as your pet.
Bait Stations
There are also bait stations available that will attract flies and prevent them from coming into your home or outdoor living areas. You can purchase these devices online or at local hardware stores. They contain a material such as an insecticide or bait that will attract flies to come in contact with the substance.
Porch Lights
Sometimes, just turning off the porch light and making it dark outside, will cause the flies to go away. This is because most bugs are attracted to light and if there is no light for them to be attracted to then they will move on.
There are certain plants and herbs you can plant in your yard to reduce flies and keep them away from your beloved pets, such as catnip, dill, lavender, lemon balm, mints (peppermint or spearmint), marigolds, onions.
Keep in mind that if you use any sort of chemical on your pet to prevent flies, you should be careful where you apply it. Never put fly spray anywhere near the face or eyes of your dog because it will cause more harm than good. There are also other products available at pet stores that contain natural ingredients which discourage pests from hanging around.
When Should I Call The Vet?
If your dog has already come into contact with a toxic fly spray it is important to be watchful for signs of poisoning. These include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, etc. If you notice anything irregular in your pet’s behavior or any abnormalities in its bodily functions, take them to the vet immediately so they can be properly treated.
If swallowed or inhaled, the insecticide can cause serious side effects for your pet. These include abnormal behavior, seizures, tremors, and even death in extreme cases. When using insecticide sprays around your pets, it is important to remember that they are highly toxic.
Tips For Keeping Flies Away From Your Pet In General
It is important to note that any insecticide should never be applied directly onto your pet; instead, it should always be placed somewhere away from your four-legged friend, such as on the ground. Insecticide sprays should only be used to treat the outdoors and not inside by any pets or other animals.
Pet owners may also want to refrain from using fly spray due to environmental concerns as well. Insecticides can easily get washed away by rainfall, which can cause them to seep into groundwater. If this water becomes polluted, then it can have a serious effect on the surrounding ecosystem.